Community Donations
We are proud to support many local organizations, communities, and causes through donations each year.
If you are looking for a donation like passes to the preserve, please follow the guidelines below.
Request Guidelines
Requests must be submitted under these guidelines:
- Requests must be made at least 4 weeks prior to when they must be received/returned.
- All requests must be submitted online or by mail using the official form found below. We do not accept requests or inquiries about status by phone; phone calls will not be returned.
- Your non-profit organization must have a 501(c)3 tax-exempt status. This number must be provided on the request form.
- Requests must include the contact name, phone number, mailing address, and email contact.
- Requests must provide the date of the event and purpose for the fundraising.
- Only one donation request may be made per organization per year.
- Donations will be available for pickup in the Gift Shop during normal business hours after receiving the request. If you prefer your donation to be delivered by mail, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
Distribution guidelines:
- All requests will go through the Catoctin Wildlife Preserve Community Relations Office.
- Organizations will receive a maximum of 2 Catoctin Wildlife Preserve General Admission Passes.
- Preference for passes will be given to organizations within Frederick County, MD.
- All requests should be acknowledged within 30 business days.
- Submitting a request does not guarantee that the request will be fulfilled.
- Occasionally, special donations may be offered at the discretion of the Catoctin Wildlife Preserve.
- Catoctin Wildlife Preserve will not re-issue any passes that are lost, misplaced or expired. Passes carry no cash value and are non-refundable.
- All passes must be redeemed by the expiration date on the passes and no extension will be provided.